Shri Vishnu Narsingh Incarnation

 Narsingh : 4th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu is known to have taken ten incarnations to stop the reign of evil on

this earth and bring peace and prosperity everywhere. Narasimha avatar is

considered to be Lord Vishnu’s fourth avatar, and he had taken the form of a

half-man half-lion to protect his devotee Prahalad.

According to ancient scriptures, the 4th Avatar of Lord Vishnu’s ten incarnations

is Narsingh Avatar, who appeared on the Chaturdashi of Shukla Paksha in

Vaishakh. This is the reason that this date has great importance in the Hindu

religion and Narasimha Jayanti (Narsingh Jayanti) is celebrated with great

devotion on Chaturdashi of Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month. Lord Shri

Narsingh is the main deity of power and might.


According to mythological religious beliefs and religious texts, on the

Chaturdashi date of Shukla Paksha of Vaishakh month, Lord Vishnu took the

Shri Narsingh avatar and killed Hiranyakashipu, the king of demons. In some

Puranas, twenty-four incarnations of Vishnu are considered. According to them,

Lord Vishnu, taking the form of Shri Narsingh in the form of the fourt incarnation,

split the body of atheist Hiranyakashipu into two pieces with his fingernail.


Although Lord Narasimha is worshiped all over India, especially in South India,

he is specially worshiped by the people of the Vaishnava sect as a deity, who

appears to protect his devotees in times of calamity. Many names of Narsingh

Dev are mentioned in Puranadi texts, among them Narasimha, Narahari, Ugra

Vir Maha Vishnu, Hiranyakashyap Ari etc

Also read : 3rd Incarnation of lord vishnu.

Story of Shri Narsingh and the demon king Hiranyakashipu

Shri Narsingh Avatar is one of the main incarnations of Lord Vishnu. In the form

of Narasimha i.e. Narasimha avatar, Lord Vishnu killed Hiranyakashipu, the 

king of the demons, wearing the body of a half-man and half-lion.

In this incarnation, Lord Vishnu incarnated in the form of Nar-Singh (the head of

a lion on the human body) and killed the demon king Hiranyakashipu, whose

arrogance and cruelty had destroyed the entire law of creation. According to

mythological texts, Nar-Singh appeared from a pillar on which Hiranyakashipu

challenged the omnipresence (सर्व-भूत)and power of Lord Vishnu by striking him

with a mace.

Narasimha Avatar propounds the belief for the followers of Avatarabad that it is

not impossible for the Divine Power to do anything in the world, even if it seems

impossible with scientific logic. In ancient times there was a sage named

Kashyapa, one of his thirteen wives was named Diti. He had two sons, one of

whom was named Hiranyaksha and the other was named Hiranyakashipu.

When Hiranyaksha was killed by Lord Vishnu assuming the form of a barah to

protect the earth, Hiranyakashipu, anguished and enraged by the death of his

brother, resolved to be invincible to avenge his brother’s death and he did

severe penance for thousands of years. Then Lord Brahma, pleased with his

penance, granted him the boon of being invincible

Birth of Prahlad a devotee of Lord Vishnu

After receiving the boon, he took control of heaven and killed the Lokpal and

drove them away, and the deities themselves became the rulers of all the worlds 

because they could not defeat the demon Hiranyakashipu in any way. On the

other hand, Hiranyakashipu, who was arrogant, started torturing the subjects.


At the same time, Hiranyakashipu’s wife Kayadhu gave birth to a son, who was

named Prahlad. Kayadhu was in the hermitage of Narada in a pregnant state,

where the effect was also on Prahlad, who was born in the womb, so even after

being born in a demon clan, Prahlad did not have any evil qualities like demons

and he was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu.


Prahlad always opposed the atrocities of his father Hiranyakashipu.

Hiranyakashipu made a lot of efforts to divert Prahlad’s mind from the path of

devotion to God and to instill in him his own bad qualities. Used all policy and

policy, but Prahlad did not deviate from his path, then Hiranyakashipu made

many types of conspiracies to kill Prahlad, but he was unsuccessful in all. By the

grace of Lord Vishnu, Prahlad was able to overcome every crisis and was saved.


Also read : 2nd Incarnation of shri vishnu.

The story of Holika and Prahlad


An enraged Hiranyakashipu tried to burn Prahlad alive by making him sit on his

sister Holika’s lap. Holika had a boon that fire could not burn her, but when

Prahlad was placed on Holika’s lap and thrown into the fire, Holika was burnt to

ashes in it, but Prahlad’s hair was not even damaged. Seeing this incident,

Hiranyakashipu was filled with anger, because his subjects were also now

worshiping Lord Vishnu, he did not accept his defeat in front of the subjects.

On this one day, Hiranyakashipu asked Prahlad that where is your God? Hearing

this, Prahlad said with great humility that God is everywhere and is pervading

every particle. Hearing this, an enraged Hiranyakashipu said, “Is your God even

in this pillar?


The Avatar of Lord Vishnu in the form of Narsingh

Prahlad also answered yes to this. Hearing this answer, Hiranyakashipu, full of

arrogance and arrogance, attacked the pillar. As soon as Hiranyakashipu struck,

Shri Narsingh Bhagwan appeared after tearing the pillar. And the people present

there saw that the whole body of a man and the face of a lion, big nails and

teeth, flaming eyes, golden hairs, a great figure appeared from the pillar and

holding Hiranyakashipu on their thighs, tearing his chest with fingernails. cast

and killed him.

Shri Narsingh, being pleased with Prahlad’s devotion, granted him a blessing

that whoever observes my fast on this day, he will be partaker of all happiness

and will be freed from all sins and will attain the supreme abode. That is why this

day is celebrated as Narsingh Jayanti- Utsav and prayers and wishes are made

to Shri Narsingh to be free from worldly sorrows, protect the devotee and fulfill all

the wishes.


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