Shri Vishnu Parashuram Incarnation
Parshuram : 6th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu
The 9 planets are considered as the 9 avatars of Lord Vishnu.
Venus is connected to Lord Parashuram.In the Treta Yug,
Lord Vishnu was born as Parshuram Avatar to sage
Jamadagni and Renuka. He was the youngest among the
four sons and was the most powerful of them all.Parshu
means axe,(कुल्हाड़ी) therefore his name means Rama with
an axe. He had received the axe as a gift from Lord Shiva as a
result of his meditation. He was an Enthusiastic devotee of
Lord Shiva.
Story of Parshuram Avatar
The killing of Jamadagni - Why Parashuram killed his mother Renuka & cut her head
Parshuram’s parents were spiritual people and his father Jamadagni
had his ashram on the bank of the river. It was there where he
imparted education to his sons and disciples. One day, while he was
performing yajna, he asked his wife Renuka to fetch some water from
the river for oblation. Renuka went as asked to fetch some water but
she lost track of time and missed oblation as celestial singer
Chitraratha was indulging in leisure
activities with his wife in the river.
Sage Jamadagni was so angry at his wife’s carelessness that he
asked his sons to behead her. No son came forward. Seeing this, Lord
Vishnu Avatar Parshuram picked his axe and killed his mother. His
father was very impressed and offered him a boon. Parshuram asked
for the life of his dead mother back. By then, Jamadagni’s anger had
subsided and thus he brings his wife back to life.
Kartavirya Arjuna killed by Parashuram Avatar
That incarnation of God is known as Jamadagnya (Parashurama). For
what and when did he take incarnation in Bhrigukul, he tells the
episode, listen. King Yudhishthira! Parshuram, the son of Maharishi
Jamadagni, is very powerful. Parashurama, the best among the strong
men, killed the Haihayavansh. Mahaparakrami Kartavirya did not keep
his life in the Arjuna force but was killed by Jamadagninandan
Parasurama because of his improper behavior. Shatrusudan
Haihayaj Kartavirya was sitting on the Arjuna chariot, but in the battle,
Parashuramaji killed him by knocking him down. It was Lord Govind
who emerged in the Bhrigu dynasty as Parashuram. This is the one
who disguises the head of Jambasur and is fatal to Shatdundubhi. He
incarnated only to kill Sahasrabahu Arjuna, who had won thousands of
battles, in the war. Mahayashasvi Parashurama had conquered the six
hundred and forty thousand Kshatriyas gathered on the banks of the
Saraswati river with the help of a bow.
The tale of the bloody revenge
Meanwhile, the sons of Arjuna were seeking their father’s revenge and
while Parshuram was away, they came to the ashram and killed
Jamadagni. Renuka fainted as she was grief-stricken and scared.
Parshuram came back to find out what had happened. This angered
and devastated him. He swore to avenge his father’s death and
annihilate the entire Kshatriya race.
With his axe in his hand and blood on his mind, he went to the Prince’s
palace and went on a killing spree. He started by killing all the
Kshatriyas in the palace, then he killed every single Kshatriya king and
did not stop until not one Kshatriya was left. He finally avenged his
father’s death by killing all the Kshatriyas and filled five ponds with the
blood of all Kshatriyas. This pond came to be known as Samant-
panchaka. Later, Parshuram took a dip in the blood-filled pond and
performed rituals to honor his father’s
It is believed that Parshuram still exists in this world among us as he
was known to be Chiranjeevi or immortal and he was believed to rule
until the end of the world.
Also read : 4th incarnation of shri vishnu.
How Parashuram became from Rambhadra Ram
Parshuram’s birth name is believed to be Rama and some
Rambhadra, he is also known by the names Bhargava, Bhrigupati
Jamadagnya, Bhriguvanshi, etc. It is believed that for the destruction
of sinners, he did the hard penance of Lord Shiva and got the
blessings of mastering the art of warfare from him.
He also received many unique weapons from Lord Shiva, one of them
was Lord Shiva’s Parshu which is also known as Fursa or axe. He was
very dear to them and always kept it together. He was called
Parashurama only
because of wearing a Parshu.
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